It is our goal to help our students learn mathematics happily and apply it in daily life effectively.
The school curriculum was aligned with the Education Bureau curriculum (2000 & 2017), it was later understood that the curriculum could not fully cope with the dynamic demands of our students and society. Since then there have been a number of changes in our School curriculum, with the aim to stimulate students’ interest in mathematics, develop their creativity, various learning skills and attitudes, and foster their number and spatial sense. We stress on applying mathematics in daily life and have reasonable understanding of our world. For that we encourage students to keep their eyes on the public affairs.
We have adopted the syllabus recommended by the Education Bureau with a few changes. We gave up the traditional “Chalk & Talk” long back. Instead, we teach the knowledge, concepts and skills with Inquiry-based learning (IBL) approach. Students apply them to their previously acquired knowledge to develop further understanding of the topics.
Class activities are designed to motivate students, working individually or in groups, to raise questions (inquiring), discuss and analyze the information (reasoning & conceptualizing), solve problems and propose the solutions to peers (communicating). Students have plenty of experience to relate mathematics to daily life and hence they truly appreciate the use of mathematics.
Apart from the core learning, we have supplementary modules to enrich students’ learning, number sense lessons to reinforce students’ calculation abilities, whereas co-teaching (2 teachers) and guest teaching (new-face teacher) to stimulate and maintain their interest and concentration.
We believe that daily practice can form a solid foundation of number management. All the teaching and learning is consolidated with daily class work, exercises from workbooks and school-based worksheet.
The school assessment consists of classroom observation, homework performance and written examinations. The daily assignments are more than enough to prepare for all kinds of problems in the summative assessments.
The School is dedicated to nurturing and developing positive character traits in the students. It is our mission to cultivate strong core values, to encourage individuality, and appreciate the differences in people.
The theme of our Ethics Education Programme this year is Explore, Excel, Embrace. We have arranged a series of co-curricular activities for the students to delve deeper into topics like global citizenship and social responsibilities. Students will explore these topics not only academically, but also through sports, arts and music activities.
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This year in particular, in collaboration with the True Colours Symphony, the largest all-inclusive orchestra in Hong Kong, students will be exposed to a number of vibrant music activities in order to experience working and performing with people of different abilities and who have special needs.
Experiential learning also plays an important role in our Ethics Education Programme. On top of the music activities, specially designed learning activities led by teachers, parents and other collaborators from different disciplines will be in place. Students will be guided to experience daily activities as simple as eating, walking, listening, etc., and will be encouraged to put themselves in other people’s shoes, so they can feel the differences, gain new perspectives, and one step further, practice empathy in different scenarios in everyday life.
We hope students will be able to explore and appreciate individual differences, excel in their own pursuit of virtues, embrace diversity, and make this work a better place.