日期 |
2025-02-25 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Primary Schools Olympiad in Informatics 香港小學電腦奧林匹克比賽 |
2025-03-18 |
學校消息 | 全港小學數學挑戰賽 |
2025-02-23 |
學校消息 | 2025 港澳盃 (AIMO / HKMO) 初賽 |
2025-01-05 |
學校消息 | 2025「華夏盃®」初賽 |
2025-02-13 |
學校消息 | Science Talk: Climate Change |
2025-03-12 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (December & January) |
2025-03-10 |
學校消息 | G.1-3 Meet the Star 2 - Video |
2025-03-10 |
學校消息 | G.4-6 Meet the Star 2 - Video |
2025-03-10 |
學校消息 | Meet the Stars 2 - Photo |
2025-02-16 |
學校消息 | 本校學長參加由南區民政事務處舉辦之「2024南區青年嘉許計劃」,表現優異,並獲得以下獎項: 高小組南區傑出青年卓越表現獎 6B陳尚謙 6B葉泳君 高小組南區優秀少年 6A邱子荷 「潛質學生領袖」銀獎 6D翟晨羽 「潛質學生領袖」銅獎 6C 繆華菲 學生領袖榮譽證書 6A鍾汀蘭 6B王元忻 6B江靖萱 6D曹子朗 |
2025-02-12 |
學校消息 | 2024至2025年度第十八屆全港小學數學比賽 (南區及中西區) |
2025-02-07 |
學校消息 | School Picnic (G6) |
2025-02-07 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (January) |
2024-11-28 |
學校消息 | G1 Art on the Beach |
2025-02-07 |
學校消息 | Congratulations to Our Elementary Choir for Winning the Gold Award at the Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival! |
2025-01-20 |
學校消息 | 71st Sports Day |
2025-01-23 |
學校消息 | 第七十六屆學校朗誦節中文項目得獎名單 |
2024-10-15 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Primary School Taekwondo Competition |
2025-01-16 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Island East Area Inter-Primary Schools Table Tennis Competition |
2024-11-20 |
學校消息 | All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Squash Competition |
2024-10-25 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Island East Area Inter-Primary Schools Swimming Competition |
2025-01-10 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Island East Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Competition |
2024-12-03 |
學校消息 | Congratulations to Our School’s Symphonic Band for Winning the Gold Award at the 2024 Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows! |
2025-01-07 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (December) |
2025-01-10 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (November) |
2024-12-06 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (November) |
2024-11-23 |
學校消息 | 香港樹仁大學「中華武術家國際交流會」 |
2024-11-15 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (October) |
2024-11-14 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(October) |
2024-10-25 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (September) |
2024-09-30 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (September) |
2024-07-20 |
學校消息 | G2 "Art Tasting" Exhibition x Party |
2024-07-21 |
學校消息 | G1 "Art on the Beach" with Parent Art Buddies |
2024-07-20 |
學校消息 | G4 "Looped Play" Artist-Led Immersive Tour |
2024-06-27 |
學校消息 | G6 Visual Arts Visit to Rosanna Li's Art Show |
2024-06-16 |
學校消息 | G5 Visit to Kiang Malingue Gallery |
2024-09-17 |
學校消息 | 2025-2026年度一年級入學面試 |
2024-07-04 |
學校消息 | 恭賀5D劉以澄同學榮獲「周有光盃──普通話說講朗誦及拼音比賽」朗誦高小組金獎,兼奪最佳朗誦藝術表現獎,並獲邀到香港電台演繹作品及接受訪問。 |
2024-07-13 |
學校消息 | G6 Graduation Dinner |
2024-05-11 |
學校消息 | Motivational Sharing by Adrian Anantawan |
2024-06-17 |
學校消息 | Positive Mentor 2024 |
2024-06-17 |
學校消息 | Green House |
2024-07-03 |
學校消息 | G6 Graduation Camp |
2024-06-17 |
學校消息 | Be a Teacher for a Day 2024 |
2024-07-03 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (June) |
2024-06-03 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(May) |
2024-05-03 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(April) |
2024-04-25 |
學校消息 | Parent-child tour 23-24 |
2024-07-05 |
學校消息 | Graduation & Prize Giving Ceremony |
2024-07-05 |
學校消息 | Year-end Assembly |
2024-06-19 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (May) |
2024-06-19 |
學校消息 | G.1-3 Meet the Star 3 - Video |
2024-06-19 |
學校消息 | G.4-6 Meet the Star 3 - Video |
2024-06-19 |
學校消息 | Meet the Stars 3 - Photo |
2024-06-11 |
學校消息 | 10 Year Reunion Invitation |
2024-05-22 |
學校消息 | Swimming Gala |
2024-05-15 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (April) |
2024-04-30 |
學校消息 | Winners of the 76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival |
2024-05-11 |
學校消息 | 香港仔浸信會呂明才書院2023-24年度小學挑戰盃 |
2024-01-08 |
學校消息 | Sports Day |
2024-03-24 |
學校消息 | 恭賀3B 陳芍甯同學於「藝育菁英計劃」 全港青少年繪畫比賽2024中奪得初級組優異 |
2024-04-14 |
學校消息 | 恭賀3B 陳芍甯同學於WCACA 第十三屆兒童繪畫大獎賽2024中奪得初小組冠軍 |
2024-04-20 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (February & March) |
2024-04-18 |
學校消息 | 第75屆學校朗誦節得獎名單 |
2024-04-18 |
學校消息 | 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 (English Speech) - Prize Winners |
2024-03-22 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Island East Inter-Primary Schools Basketball Competition Champion |
2024-04-12 |
學校消息 | Hong Kong Island East Inter-Primary Schools Badminton Competition Champion |
2024-04-08 |
學校消息 | Unveiling Ceremony of Mr Gordon Wong's Wall Mural |
2024-03-18 |
學校消息 | Meet the Stars 2 |
2024-02-02 |
學校消息 | Inter-House Friday (4) |
2024-12-02 |
學校消息 | Inter-House Friday (3) |
2024-01-03 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(December) |
2023-11-30 |
學校消息 | 貧富一餐 Rich and Poor Men's Banquet |
2023-12-08 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(November) |
2023-12-12 |
學校消息 | 聖公會慈善獎券2023最具愛心獎 |
2023-12-01 |
學校消息 | G5 Education Camp |
2024-01-02 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (November) |
2023-11-28 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (October) |
2023-11-15 |
學校消息 | Inter-House Friday (2) |
2023-11-02 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (October) |
2023-11-04 |
學校消息 | The 85th Anniversary Open Day |
2023-10-27 |
學校消息 | 2023-24 Hong Kong Island East Inter-School Swimming Competition |
2023-10-19 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (September) |
2023-10-06 |
學校消息 | Inter-House Friday (1) |
2023-10-03 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(September) |
2023-09-27 |
學校消息 | 穌穌 Club Sharing Session and Prayer Walk |
2023-09-26 |
學校消息 | Prefects Training |
2023-09-18 |
學校消息 | 2024-2025年度一年級入學面試名單 |
2023-07-02 |
學校消息 | Concert 2023 |
2023-07-19 |
學校消息 | SSCPS has got Talent G3, G4, G5 & G6 |
2023-07-19 |
學校消息 | SSCPS has got Talent G1 & G2 |
2023-07-10 |
學校消息 | Graduation & Prize Giving Ceremony |
2023-07-05 |
學校消息 | Year-End Assembly |
2023-05-29 |
學校消息 | 陽光學長 |
2023-07-04 |
學校消息 | Student of the month (April, May & June) |
2023-06-03 |
學校消息 | 2024-2025年度小一入學簡介會 |
2023-06-08 |
學校消息 | Tiger Day |
2023-05-29 |
學校消息 | G6 Graduation Camp |
2023-05-25 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(May) |
2023-05-05 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (April) |
2023-05-05 |
學校消息 | Be a Teacher a Day |
2023-06-01 |
學校消息 | Reunion for Graduates of 2013 (20 Aug 2023 @ SSCPS) (Please stay tuned!) |
2023-05-26 |
學校消息 | Music Presentation 2023 |
2023-05-11 |
學校消息 | Swimming Gala |
2023-05-08 |
學校消息 | 75th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Prize Winners |
2023-04-24 |
學校消息 | G6 Boarder’s Planting Lesson宿生種植班 |
2023-04-28 |
學校消息 | Sports Day |
2023-03-27 |
學校消息 | Visit to Ving Tsun Athletic Association 5EC&5F 參觀詠春體育會 |
2023-04-19 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (March) |
2023-03-27 |
學校消息 | Spring Social Thank you for making Spring Social an enormous success. A series of activities including House Cup Fashion Competition, Charity Bazaar, Front Yard Sale, Sale of Special Souvenirs, Charity Basketball Competition and Football Match, and other |
2023-04-19 |
學校消息 | 全港青年普通話朗誦比賽 (公民教育) (2022-23年) 獲獎名單 |
2023-03-21 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (February) |
2023-03-03 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(February) |
2023-03-31 |
學校消息 | 第二十九屆聖經朗誦節得獎名單 |
2023-02-27 |
學校消息 | Visual Arts ECA - Printmaking |
2023-02-27 |
學校消息 | Visual Arts ECA - Mural Painting Team (Semester 1) |
2023-02-27 |
學校消息 | Marine Debris Upcycling Workshop |
2023-02-27 |
學校消息 | Visual Arts ECA - Creative Arts Studio |
2023-02-16 |
學校消息 | G5 Education Camp |
2023-02-23 |
學校消息 | SSCPS Athletics Team's excellent results in the Wan Chai District Athletics Competition |
2023-03-14 |
學校消息 | 74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Prize Winners (English) |
2023-03-13 |
學校消息 | 第 74屆香港學校朗誦節 (中文項目)得獎名單 |
2023-02-10 |
學校消息 | H.K.S.K.H. Welfare Council's "Charity Raffle 2022" Outstanding Award |
2023-02-03 |
學校消息 | 香港青年協會賽馬會Media 21媒體空間之 The Next Influencer 短片創作訓練營 |
2023-02-08 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (December & January) |
2023-02-07 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (January) |
2023-01-19 |
學校消息 | Inter-House Bunny Hop |
2023-01-23 |
學校消息 | SSCPS Athletics Team has achieved amazing results in the Hong Kong Island East Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Competition |
2023-01-04 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(December) |
2023-01-04 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(November) |
2022-12-13 |
學校消息 | G5 Education Day Camp |
2022-12-14 |
學校消息 | 五年級參觀香港故宮文化博物館 |
2022-12-09 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (November) |
2022-12-08 |
學校消息 | G4 Education Day Camp |
2022-12-02 |
學校消息 | G4 & G5 Inter-House Games Battle |
2022-12-09 |
學校消息 | G4 Coral Ecology and Biodiversity Seminar |
2022-12-02 |
學校消息 | World Sports Day |
2022-12-08 |
學校消息 | G6 Visiting the Legislative Council |
2022-12-06 |
學校消息 | G4, 5EC & 5F "Meet the Author" |
2022-12-05 |
學校消息 | Virtual Tour of the Forbidden City 天涯咫尺——虛擬北京故宮宮殿 |
2022-11-22 |
學校消息 | 詠春師傅到校計劃 Wing Chun Workshop |
2022-11-18 |
學校消息 | "The Girl Behind the Face - Mui Thomas" Sharing |
2022-11-18 |
學校消息 | G2 Inter-House Games Battle |
2022-11-12 |
學校消息 | Presentation of findings of “Ving Tsun-Martial arts in Artificial intelligence” 「詠春的虛擬境界」 成果發佈會 |
2022-11-11 |
學校消息 | G5 Shuttlecock Kicking Experiential Workshop |
2022-11-10 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (October) |
2022-11-04 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities (October) |
2022-11-04 |
學校消息 | 4EC,4F & 5EC, 5F visit Anchor House (Detective Day) 四、五年級翱翔班「偵探日」活動 |
2022-10-31 |
學校消息 | G5EC&F Pressed Flower Workshop 五年級翱翔班押花玻璃相框擺設工作坊 |
2022-10-28 |
學校消息 | G4 Inter-House Chopsticks Challenge |
2022-10-24 |
學校消息 | An alumnus, Louis Tong, a member of the Junior Hong Kong SAR Sports Climbing team and his coach, Mr Danny Ho share their thoughts with G6 boarders |
2022-10-21 |
學校消息 | September Student of the Month - Certificates Presentation Ceremony |
2022-10-18 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month Celebration - SSCPS Arcade |
2022-10-19 |
學校消息 | G5 Dunhuang and Silk Road Talk 五年級敦煌及絲綢之路文化講座 |
2022-10-20 |
學校消息 | G6 Visit to SSC Heritage Trail 六年級參觀聖士提反書院文物徑 |
2022-10-20 |
學校消息 | G6 Visit to Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park 六年級翱翔班遊海下灣 |
2022-10-20 |
學校消息 | G3 Talk on Biodiversity and Conservation by Ocean Park |
2022-10-19 |
學校消息 | PTA Annual General Meeting |
2022-10-18 |
學校消息 | Marco Fu Ka-Chun, top snooker player and proud SSCPS parent, shares his thoughts in special event |
2022-10-17 |
學校消息 | Talk on Internet Safety by Sergent Lau (G6) |
2022-10-15 |
學校消息 | Flag Raising Training Camp |
2022-10-14 |
學校消息 | Aniform Day 22-23 |
2022-10-13 |
學校消息 | G4 HKU Campus Tour 四年級翱翔班參觀香港大學 |
2022-10-11 |
學校消息 | Introductory Kayak Course (G6) |
2022-10-10 |
學校消息 | HK School Sports Federation(HKSSF) Primary School 5-a-side Football Competition |
2022-10-06 |
學校消息 | Student of the Month (Sept) |
2022-10-03 |
學校消息 | Inter-House Chinese Dubbing Competition - "Journey to the West" |
2022-09-23 |
學校消息 | G6 Inter-house Sports Trivia |
2022-09-17 |
學校消息 | SSCPS Basketball Team Friendly Match with St Anthony's School |
2022-09-12 |
學校消息 | Boarding Activities(September) |
2022-08-15 |
學校消息 | Pacer Athletics Competition 2022 |
2022-09-23 |
學校消息 | Participation in the Production of Music Video《少年中國說》 of the Education Bureau Aug 10 & 31 |
2022-09-01 |
學校消息 | Appointment of New Principal |
2022-08-29 |
學校消息 | G1 Trial Programme |
2022-07-28 |
學校消息 | Dr Wai's Retirement Walk |
2022-07-22 |
學校消息 | Naming Ceremony of Agnes Wai Hall |