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- 2020-7
- 2020-6
- 2020-5

The Smartest Giant in Town
Genre: Picture Book: Folktales (Dark Green "P")
Description:George wished he wasn't the scruffiest giant in town. So when he sees a new shop selling giant-sized clothes, he decides it's time for a new look: smart trousers, smart shirt, stripy tie, shiny shoes. Now he's the smartest giant in town…

King Louie's Shoes
Genre: Picture Book: Biography (Dark Purple "P")
Description:Get to know the hilarious true story of King Louis XIV of France and his famous high-heeled shoes!

The Day You Begin
Genre: Picture Book: Life Lessons (Silver "P")
Description:There are many reasons to feel different. Maybe it's how you look or talk, or where you're from; maybe it's what you eat, or something just as random. It's not easy to take those first steps into a place where nobody really knows you yet, but somehow you do it.

We Don't Eat Our Classmates
Genre: Picture Book: Sily Stories (Light Pink "P")
Description:It's the first day of school for Penelope Rex, and she can't wait to meet her classmates. But it's hard to make human friends when they're so darn delicious!

Weird But True Animals
Genre: Non-Fiction: Life Sciences (Brown "N")
Description:The wild world of animals just got a little bit weirder in this new edition, packed with 300 facts and photos to encourage curiosity and keep kids entertained, amazed, and laughing for hours!

How to Be an Engineer
Genre: Non-Fiction: Applied science (Light Pink "N")
Description:Clearly explained engineering concepts and fun, simple projects give kids ages 7-9 the chance to put their STEAM knowledge to the test! Teach kids to think like an engineer!

Coding for Beginners Using Python
Genre: Non-Fiction: Applied science (Light Pink "N")
Description:An introduction to coding for complete beginners, this friendly and accessible book will teach children the basics of Python (a widely used programming language), allowing them to get inside the code of their computer and create simple games and animations on screen.

The Kids' Turn to Cook
Genre: Non-Fiction: Applied science (Light Pink "N")
Description:If you're a parent you'll know the trials of introducing good, nutritious food to your children; but by involving them in the process you can give them not only a set of life skills, but also pride in their creation (whatever it looks like at the finish) that will encourage them to broaden their diet.

Hilde Cracks the Case #1: Hero Dog!: A Branches Book
Genre: Mystery (Dark Pink "Level I")
Description:Cupcakes were stolen. Soon a pie goes missing, too! Is someone trying to ruin the big Selinsgrove Bake-Off Bonanza? Can Hilde and her sister Izzy catch the thief and post their news story before the deadline?

The Last Firehawk #8: The Silver Swamp: A Branches Book
Genre: Animal Tales (Brown "Level I")
Description:Blaze has been captured by giant birds! Tag and Skyla set off through the Cloud Kingdom to find her, using only their magical map as a guide. Will they be able to rescue Blaze?

Minecraft: The Voyage
Genre: Adventure (Light Blue "Level II")
Description:Join a daring expedition into strange new lands with this official Minecraft novel! When a young man is ripped from his quiet life and stranded far from home, he must learn not only how to survive, but how to live.

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
Genre: Realistic Fiction (Bright Yellow "Level III")
Description:This story is definitely a window into a lifestyle we don't have—and imagining it is part of the appeal! Coyote is a brilliant, funny and endearing main character, and her journey is indeed remarkable.

分類: 溫馨故事 (Bright Yellow "P")

分類: 經典故事 (Gold "P")

分類: 生活教育 (Silver "P")

分類: 溫馨故事 (Bright Yellow "P")

《孩子的第一套STEAM繪遊書007 不能再斜的比薩斜塔》
分類: 應用科學 (Light Pink "N")

分類: 人體 (Dark Green "N")

分類: 太空 (Silver "N")

分類: 地理 (Light Purple "N")

分類: 生活體驗 ( Bright Yellow "Level I" )

分類: 動物故事 (Brown "Level I")

分類: 奇幻/魔幻 (Light Purple "Level II")

分類: 生活體驗 ( Bright Yellow "Level I" )

分類: 冒險故事 ( Light Blue "Level III" )

分類: 奇幻/魔幻 ( Light Purple "Level II" )

分類: 幽默故事 ( Light Pink "Level I" )

分類: 生活體驗 ( Bright Yellow "Level I" )

《兒童必讀的 STEAM 百科》
分類: 參考書 ( Light Green "N" )

分類: 體育 ( Dark Blue "N" )

分類: 環境 ( Gold "N" )

分類: 人體 ( Dark Green "N" )

分類: 溫馨故事 ( Bright Yellow "P" )

分類: 兒童文學 ( Dark Green "P" )

分類: 生活教育 ( Silver "P" )

分類: 搞笑故事 ( Light Pink "P" )

One Crazy Summer
Genre: Historical Fiction ( Dark Green "Level III" )
Description:Set during one of the most tumultuous years in recent American history, One Crazy Summer is the heartbreaking, funny tale of three girls who travel to Oakland, California, in 1968 in search of the mother who abandoned them.

The Beast of Buckingham Palace
Genre: Adventure ( Light Blue "Level II" )
Description:Prince Alfred, a sickly boy of twelve, has never known life outside Buckingham Palace. But evil forces are at work, and soon Alfred must do battle with the King of the Beasts – the Griffin…

Anne Frank
Genre: Biography ( Dark Purple "Level II" )
Description:Anne Frank was born in Germany to a loving family. But when World War II broke out, Anne and her family had to hide in a secret annex in Amsterdam. Here, Anne wrote her famous diary, describing her belief in people's goodness and her hopes for peace.

Rise of the Earth Dragon: A Branches Book (Dragon Masters #1), Volume 1
Genre: Fantasy ( Light Purple "Level I" )
Description:The Dragon Masters must learn how to connect with and train their dragons--and they must also uncover their dragons' special powers. Does Drake have what it takes to be a Dragon Master? What is his dragon's special power?

Football School Season 1: Where Football Explains the World
Genre: Non-Fiction: Sports ( Dark Blue "N" )
Description:A groundbreaking new series from two bestselling writers that teaches you about the world through football. Illustrated throughout with hilarious cartoons and filled with laugh-out-loud gags this is the perfect book for any boy or girl who loves football.

Amazing World Atlas : Bringing the World to Life
Genre: Non-Fiction: Geography ( Light Purple "N" )
Description:With 160 pages of illustrated maps, engaging infographics, mind-blowing photography and a large dose of humour, this is the atlas that shows kids what the world is really like.

What If You Had Animal Eyes?
Genre: Non-Fiction: Pure science ( Dark Grey "N" )
Description:If you could have any animal's eyes, whose would you choose? What would happen if you looked in the mirror and saw a pair of animal eyes instead of your own?

How Animals Build
Genre: Non-Fiction: Life Sciences ( Brown "N" )
Description:Do bees need cement mixers to build hives? Do beavers use cranes to construct dams? No, of course not! Like many animals, they're building geniuses who don't need building site tools to create incredible work.

Those Shoes
Genre: Picture Book: Lovely Stories ( Bright Yellow "P" )
Description:All Jeremy wants is a pair of shoes like the ones everyone at school seems to be wearing, but his grandma says they don't have room for "want," only "need."

Hello Lighthouse
Genre: Picture Book: Around the World ( Light Blue "P" )
Description:On the highest rock of a tiny island at the edge of the world stands a lighthouse. From dusk to dawn, the lighthouse beams, sending its light out to sea, guiding the ships on their way.

Four Feet, Two Sandals
Genre: Picture Book: Lovely Stories ( Bright Yellow "P" )
Description:Ten-year-old Lina is thrilled when she finds a sandal that fits her foot perfectly, until she sees that another girl has the matching shoe. But soon Lina and Feroza meet and decide that it is better to share the sandals than for each to wear only one.

The Name Jar
Genre: Picture Book: Lovely Stories ( Bright Yellow "P" )
Description:The new kid in school needs a new name! Or does she? Being the new kid in school is hard enough, but what about when nobody can pronounce your name? Encouraged by her new friends, Unhei chooses her own Korean name and helps everyone pronounce it--"Yoon-Hey.

Genre:Non-Fiction: Sports (Dark Blue “N”)
Description:For soccer fans, here is a biography of legendary Pelé, in the form of a graphic novel.

Our Story Begins
Genre:Non-Fiction: Biography (Purple “N”)
Description:“Your favorite authors and illustrators share fun, inspiring, and occasionally ridiculous things they wrote and drew as kids.”

Star Wars Absolutely Everything You Need To Know
Genre:Non-Fiction: Arts (Light Yellow “N”)
Description:“From movie-making trivia to quirky facts you never knew you never knew, this book will excite new and old fans alike of Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars The Clone Wars and the Star Wars movies I-VI.”

Helloflo: The Guide, Period.
Genre:Non-Fiction: Human Body (Dark Green “N”)
Description:“Honest, funny, and unafraid of the messy, real-life facts about a girl's changing body, this is definitely not your mother's puberty book. The author’s mission is to create informed, empowered young women who are unafraid to ask questions and make the best choices for themselves and their bodies.”

Truth or Busted: The Fact or Fiction Behind Urban Myths
Genre:Non-Fiction: Social Studies (Bright Yellow “N”)
Description:Exploring popular myths and legends, sayings and notions in a light and humorous way, each entry is examined and given a TRUTH or BUSTED evaluation.

Friends With God Story Bible
Genre:Non-Fiction: Religion (White “N”)
Description:“54 first-person accounts immerse you into what it's like to be loved by God, because you'll hear them from the mouths of the people who lived them.”

A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars
Genre:Picture Book: Math (Dark Pink “P”)
Description:“The playful illustrations bestselling artist Isabel Greenberg and the friendly, straightforward voice of author Seth Fishman illuminate some of the biggest numbers in the universe—a hundred billion trillion stars—and the smallest—one unique and special YOU.”

The Quest for the Diamond Sword: An Unofficial Gamer’s Adventure, Book One
Genre:Adventure (Light Blue “Level I”)
Description:This is Book 1 in a series for children who love to play Minecraft. It is one example of the wide range of books at the library, targeting children who are still looking for the right books to develop a love of reading.

Athena the Brain (Goddess Girls)
Genre:Historical Fiction (Dark Green “Level I”)
Description:One of many books in the Goddess Girls series, for a modern way to learn about characters from Greek mythology.

Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Legends of Luke Skywalker
Genre:Science Fiction (Silver “Level II”)
Description:Award-winning science fiction author Ken Liu writes this collection of myths and legends about the famous Jedi.

Because of Mr. Terupt
Genre:Realistic Fiction (Bright Yellow “Level III”)
Description:The first of a 3-book series that features seven narrators, each with a unique story, and each with a different perspective on what makes their teacher so special.

Harry Potter
Genre:Classics (Gold “Level III”)
Description:The illustrated edition of Harry Potter’s Book 3 has just arrived.

分類:溫馨故事 (Bright Yellow “P”)

分類:生活教育 (Silver “P”)

分類:生活教育 (Silver “P”)

分類:搞笑故事 (Light Pink “P”)

分類:知識性繪本 (Dark Blue “P”)

分類:社會科學 (Bright Yellow “N”)

分類:生命科學 (Brown “N”)

分類:國家 (Dark Purple “N”)

分類:奇幻/魔幻 (Light Purple “Level I”)

分類:生活體驗 (Bright Yellow “Level I”)

分類:生活體驗 (Bright Yellow “Level II”)

分類:體育故事 (Dark Blue “Level III”)
- 2019-20
- 2018-19
- 2017-18
- 2016-17
主題:名家著作(Authors of the month)
十一月 閱讀新體驗:AR 擴增實境書籍
十二月 閱讀傳愛:聖誕「書」屋
二月 閱讀新滋味:「與書本的盲目約會」
四月 提升閱讀技能:「復活節尋蛋活動」